MINUTES OF MEETING RIDGEWOOD TRAILS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Ridgewood Trails Community Development District was held Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Azalea Ridge Amenity Center, 1667 Azalea Ridge Boulevard, Middleburg, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Dennis Shroyer Chairman Jacqui Proctor Miller Vice Chairperson Marty Genska Supervisor Michael Wetherbee Supervisor Scott Edson Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Wes Haber District Counsel by telephone David Landing District Engineer Jay Soriano GMS Tara Lee RMS Terry Glynn RMS Rob Alba RMS Several Residents The following is a summary of the actions taken at the July 10, 2024 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments Ms. Giles stated I have a comment card from Mr. Miller who is requesting that both treadmills be replaced. Staff was directed to bring back proposals for replacement. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Suspension Letter Ms. Giles stated the first incident is the dog on the pool deck and then in the pool. We sent an interim suspension letter but have had no response. Docusign Envelope ID: 81E48704-90D2-4E0A-8BEF-D234DE1B29B5 July 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 2 After discussion it was the consensus of the board to end the suspension at the end of three months, which is August 2, 2024. Ms. Giles stated the next one is Angelo, on May 5th a group of unsupervised kids were running down the pool slide, using profanity, and when confronted they cussed at the lifeguard and approached staff in an aggressive manner, an older male diffused the situation. There was a second incident where the older male came back upset and had to be asked to leave. Ms. Angelo stated it was my grandson and he was wrong, we don’t tolerate that type of behavior. I received an email and a letter stating those individuals could not use the amenities, but I could and my other grandchildren could use them, but the card has been cut so I can’t use it. I want to see if we can get past this, it won’t happen again. After discussion the decision was a six month suspension with an end date of November 13, 2024 for the three individuals, the card will be reactivated so that the rest of the family can use the amenities. Staff will send a reminder to the residents of the rules and to start the process of purging the list of cardholders. Ms. Giles stated Mrs. Soileau loaned her card to a neighbor and her neighbor came and allowed her kids to run up the slide when it was closed and they also had a cooler full of beer and was drinking alcohol in the pool. She did not engage in those activities but she loaned her card to the neighbor. It was the consensus of the board to stay with the time served. Ms. Giles stated the last one is resident Minchew who is the other half of the story, they were drinking alcohol on the pool deck and in the pool and the kids with them ran up and down the slide around 7 p.m. Mr. Minchew stated we were drinking at the pool but we stopped the kids from going up the slide. It won’t happen again. My card doesn’t work which is why we asked the neighbor for her card. It was the consensus of the board to suspend Mr. Minchew, not the family for six months with an expiration date of December 20, 2024. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 Ms. Giles stated the board approved the proposed budget at the May 1st meeting, there are small changes in some of the line items, but the assessments remain the same. On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Ms. Miller with all in favor the public hearing was opened. Docusign Envelope ID: 81E48704-90D2-4E0A-8BEF-D234DE1B29B5 July 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 3 There being no comments, On MOTION by Ms. Miller seconded by Mr. Wetherbee with all in favor the public hearing was closed. A. Consideration of Resolution 2024-04 Relating to the Annual Appropriations and Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2025) Mr. Haber stated you approved he proposed budget, that budget was provided to the county, a notice went in the paper and you have had an opportunity to make any revisions you may have wanted to make. Today you closed the public hearing and are considering this resolution. This resolution serves as the formal adoption of your budget for the next fiscal year. Upon approval of the resolution your budget will be final and that is what your assessments for the next fiscal year will be based on. Mr. Shroyer stated on the repair and maintenance line went from $18,200 to $46,000. Why? Ms. Giles stated that is where we took it from a full time amenity manager. Ms. Shroyer stated that was supposed to go to capital improvements or reserve. That wasn’t to go into where it is going now. Ms. Giles stated that is my fault, my notes said repair and replacement, I can move that to your capital reserves. The following line items were discussed, insurance, access cards, contribution to capital reserves. On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Edson with all in favor Resolution 2024-04 was approved as amended and staff was directed to move $28,585 from grounds maintenance to the capital reserve fund. B. Consideration of Resolution 2024-05 Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll for Fiscal Year 2025 Mr. Haber stated this resolution allocates the assessments based on the methodology that was adopted that results in each home paying a portion of that total budget and the way the Docusign Envelope ID: 81E48704-90D2-4E0A-8BEF-D234DE1B29B5 July 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 4 assessments get collected is an assessment roll is certified to the county and the assessments will appear on your tax bill in November. On MOTION by Mr. Shroyer seconded by Mr. Wetherbee with all in favor Resolution 2024-05 was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney There being none, the next item followed. B. Engineer Ms. Giles stated the engineer left, he just stopped by to introduce himself to the board. He will not attend the meetings unless there is an agenda item specifically for the engineer. He will have two reports throughout his tenure with us, the public facilities report and an engineer’s report that is due every seven years. The stormwater analysis that was done a couple years ago is due every five years. C. Manager – Discussion of Fiscal Year 2025 Meeting Schedule On MOTION by Ms. Miller seconded by Mr. Genska with all in favor the board will meet on the following dates in fiscal year 2025: November 5, 2024, January 8, 2025, March 5, 2025, May 7, 2025, July 9, 2025 and September 3, 2025. D. Operation Manager’s Report –Report Mr. Soriano updated the board on the arrival of the playground equipment, powerline cut, and stated there is some erosion on the large pond and the engineer to look at it, we would like to send an email to the residents to update their information and if we don’t hear anything and the card is unused, we will turn off the card. We could take pictures of the families it won’t go on the card, but we will have the photo in our database. Mr. Shroyer stated also send them a copy of the rules and if they don’t respond within a short timeframe, turn them off. Docusign Envelope ID: 81E48704-90D2-4E0A-8BEF-D234DE1B29B5 July 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 5 Mr. Soriano stated I will give them 30 days and report to you at the next board meeting on the response. We have talked in the past about a storage building and now that we have fencing we have a couple quotes for a storage building, a 12 X 24 is $13,044 and 14X 24 is $16,211. Both would fit in that area we created. When we talked about this before the HOA was going to pay for it but they are paying for most of the playground. We do have funds in our capital reserves. Mr. Shroyer asked what would be stored in it and who would own it? If the HOA stores things in there we are responsible for it. Mr. Soriano stated the district will own it and it is for our equipment. This is a barn style building with a front porch on it. In the summer when we have to shut down the pool due to lightning, the lifeguards have nowhere to go, you don’t have a break room or anything like that and they can’t sit in here if there is a party. For the summer it has that added benefit so they have a place to sit or they can have their lunch there. Mr. Edson stated we should go ahead and get a quote on electrical at least for lighting. Mr. Soriano stated I can do that as a separate project. On MOTION by Mr. Shroyer seconded by Ms. Miller with two in favor and Mr. Edson opposed the purchase of a storage building in an amount not to exceed $17,000 was approved. E. Amenity Manager 1. Report Ms. Lee gave an overview of the amenity management report, copy of which was included in the agenda package. 2. Landscape Inspection Report A copy of the landscape report from Brightview was included in the agenda package. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and Public Comments A resident had a comment card on the cleanliness of the gym equipment including baseboards. Ms. Miller stated we haven’t been turning on the fountain. Would it be advantageous to turn it on for a month because it is so hot? Docusign Envelope ID: 81E48704-90D2-4E0A-8BEF-D234DE1B29B5 July 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 6 Mr. Soriano stated we talked about that and we talked about turning it off. You will see a savings but not a huge amount. We can turn it on and it will help with the algae growth. Mr. Shroyer stated it was bad when it was running. Mr. Soriano stated the algae hasn’t been bad. Mr. Shroyer stated why run them for eight houses. If you are going to put fountains in, put them in all the ponds. Mr. Genska stated it was more for algae control. Ms. Miller asked is there a rule that says I could not get the lily pads and put them in the pond? Mr. Soriano stated there are certain lily pads if you put them in the pond, St. Johns River Water Management District will say they are invasive plants and I have seen residents do that before. There are certain plants and we generally tell everyone not to put plants in the ponds. The district could be fined if a resident puts an invasive plant in the pond. It is not a written policy but most HOAs will have that in the covenants. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the May 1, 2024 Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Shroyer seconded by Ms. Miller with all in favor the minutes of the May 1, 2024 meeting were approved as presented. B. Balance Sheet & Income Statement C. Assessment Receipt Schedule D. Approval of Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Wetherbee with all in favor the balance of the consent agenda items was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Azalea Ridge Amenity Center, 1667 Azalea Ridge Boulevard, Middleburg, Florida Docusign Envelope ID: 81E48704-90D2-4E0A-8BEF-D234DE1B29B5 July 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 7 Ms. Giles stated the next meeting will be held September 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the same location. On MOTION by Mr. Shroyer seconded by Ms. Miller with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 81E48704-90D2-4E0A-8BEF-D234DE1B29B5