3/Approved Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Approved Budget FY 2025 May 1, 2024 1-2 3-6 7-8 9 10 Assessment Schedule Narratives Table of Contents General Fund Debt Service Fund Series 2007 Capital Reserve Fund Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac3tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro6j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ISCRnpaeternecrtriyaael lFs R Ato/esrMvsweeinassrcusdemel Sleaunnrtepso l-uu Oss nIn Rcoolmle $ 61 222,,,024007007 - $ 60 175,,,451255015 - $ 278,,,013023035 - $ 6 11 352,,,644728518 - $ 6 11 1322,,,,460427070507 TOTAL REVENUES $ 616,677 $ 614,126 $ 17,458 $ 631,584 $ 629,572 EXPENDITURES: Administrative: ISFLPPETTGAAAAOODDDWnuroIeniifteutrrsenfssCefthipgsnbulgsionentsoescAaeetieiessrurieptnetralsrrtt,r ii mmr Ta nhAgecLsne evSaCaleetmeeo aui lgdiaiMgAu c rsn yxMLn &tpFve&ereoueiaaiepe eonrn aaRrstdi DeBrlennnsbit ieiFosten eetit aiAbiTnellnesstsgiiade dvnet ieC&Atnsymcaiemhenggh nraSaiegeyncnnurnneoidbgtstle s toPFscrgueraybeitpsiloit cin oOnffsicials Insurance $24 1111133558808,,,,,,,,,,,,,0000225568904 11366890000056777901000015700000002468060000257 $2 245674,,,,,,155672 11122569012670 933566799066798 3702455699 ---- $2 1133394,,,,,,,0002262 225566990003770 9003333550005587700013467 ---- $14 1111133455758,,,,,,,,,,,,,0022555678924 11346890000012677714000025700000026678460000578 $25 1111133458801,,,,,,,,,,,,,0122245568903 11366890000002777902000015700000024688000000257 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 113,089 $ 54,117 $ 50,132 $ 104,249 $ 115,612 Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Approved Budget General Fund 1 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac3tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro6j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Approved Budget General Fund Operations & Maintenance Amenity Center JJISSFLPPPPPEGRRAAWaanepreoooliaeeecmnnefcatosececnfpoooceiiututicegeptteallltler s irnooCiusrCPMrieranterisirrioaary ethlte c& aiiSalyrtCEynr etaa AyieFnd m/av tnmllSSMr adsrsCrISeyetvicsonid eauwnatRsciiilsnbsnpclsttaeieuesaletalptpersamrnygllnaiec aeMntrecsceaeminetenntsance $ 1111111226 112255681255677789 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000045770111234578 400000059001127899970000017900055668885 $ 113 111134555588355,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,012234466789027 580011233556790372423468888889908802 -- 13 113333567788937,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,012223356779937 459000023444568806477$022244468889928056 - $ 1111111126 111255681123556778,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000066790001234589 400026789000116778970000247900005668885 $ 1111111134 112356780122367789 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000245580001147889 400000146000257899970000002700000168895 Total Amenity Center $ 263,639 $ 118,079 $ 123,169 $ 241,248 $ 235,316 Grounds Maintenance ILLEROWrlaaeperaknpecitgderatea raisrMrtitcsciiaaoo &pinnne stMR Me Menaapiaaniannnticatreeegsnneamanncecenet $1 1122 5582488,,,,,,,003023400000240000054 $ 16 134527,,,,,,116719155767022412 - $ 116 1345224,,,,,,,013912400052690002022 $1 123 2578482,,,,,,,034523100570290244053 $1 244 3588563,,,,,,,003877500008880002552 Total Grounds Maintenance $ 201,269 $ 94,822 $ 103,226 $ 198,048 $ 241,254 Other Sources and (Uses) Capital Reserve Transfer Out $ 38,680 $ - $ 38,680 $ 38,680 $ 37,391 Total Other Sources and (Uses) $ 38,680 $ - $ 38,680 $ 38,680 $ 37,391 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 616,677 $ 267,017 $ 315,207 $ 582,225 $ 629,572 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ 347,108 $ (297,749) $ 49,359 $ 0 2 Special Assessments-Tax Roll Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 REVENUES Annual Audit TheDistrict’sAttorney,KutakRockLLP,willbeprovidinggenerallegalservicesto theDistrict,i.e.,fboyr tmheo n BtohlayrdB ooaf r Sdupmeerevtiisnogrss, r aenvdie twheo fDcisotnrtircat cMtsa,nraegveire.wofagreementsandresolutions,andother resaetatrecnhdaanscseignaneddparsepdairreacttioedn oTpheerDatiisntgr iecxtpwenidllitluevreys aduNroinng-A thdeV Faislocrael mYeaars.sessmentonallsoldandplattedparcelswithintheDistrictinordertopay forthe Interest/Miscellaneous Income The District earns interest on the monthly average collected balance for each of their investment accounts. Expenditures - Administrative Supervisors Fees tChheayp taetrte1n9d0. o Tfthhee bFulodrgiedtaedS t aamtuoteusnat l lfoowr tshfeo r fimsceaml ybeearsr oisf tbhaesBedo a ornd aolfl Ssuuppeerrvviissoorrss taottbeendcionmg p6e mnseaetteindg$s2.00permeetinginwhich FICA Taxes PBaoyarrodl olft SauxepserovnisBoro’asr pdayorfoSlul epxeprevnisdoitru’srecso.mpensation.Thebudgetedamountforthefiscalyeariscalculatedat7.65%ofthetotal Rentals Revenues Income received from residents for rental of clubroom or patio. District Engineering Fees pTrheepaDriasttiroicnt ' sfore n mgionneethr,lyA l blioanartdE n mgieneeteinrignsg, , rIenvci.,eww i lolf p irnovvoiidceesg, e annedra lotehnegri n sepereicnifgicsaellryv i rceeqsuteostethde asDsiigsntrmicetn,tis.e.. attendanceand Attorney Website Maintenance uPeserfCuhl wapetbesri2te0s1 r4e-g2a2r,dLianwg CsoomfFplloiarnidcae, iaslsluDeisst. r Tichtiss mwuesbtshitaev weiallw beeb msiatienttaoinperdo vbiyd eGMdeSt,a LilLeCd ainnfdo urmpdaattioedn mononththelCyD.Daswellaslinksto Telephone bTuhdegDeitsetdr iacmtoisunret qfourir tehde tfiosccaoln ydeuacrt isa nbaasnendu oanl acuodnittraocftietds ffeineasn frcoiamlr tehceo prrdesvbioyuasn yIenadre epnegnadgeenmteCnetr ptilfuiesd anPtuicbilpicatAecdc ionucnrteiansge.Firm.The Assessment Roll Administration aGdMvSis,oLrLyC sperrovviciedse.s assessment services for closinglot sales,assessment rollservices withthelocalTaxCollectorandfinancial Dissemination Agent rTehpeoDrtisintrgi crteqisurireeqmuiernetds bfoyrt uhne-Sreactuerdi tbyoanndd isEsxucehsa.ngeCommissiontocomplywithRule15(c)(2)-12(b)(5),whichrelatestoadditional Trustee Fees The District bonds will be held and administered by a Trustee. This represents the trustee annual fee. District Management Fees TMMhaaennaaDggieesmmtreeicnnttt rASeegcrreveievicmeesse,nMLta.LnCa.geTmheenbtu,AdgcectoeudnatimngouanntdfAodrmthineisfitsrcaatlivyeeasrerivsicbeasseadspoanrtthoefacoMnatnraacgteemdefnetesAgoruetelmineedntinEitxhhGiboivte"rAn"moefntthael Information Technology TGhMeSD, LisLtCr.ictprocessesallofitsfinancialactivities,i.e.accountspayable,financialstatements,etc.onamainframecomputerleasedby TBohnedDsi.strictisrequiredtohaveanannualarbitragerebatecalculationpreparedfortheDistrict’sSeries2007A/BSpecialAssessment Arbitrage Rebate New internet and Wi-Fi service for Office. Postage and Delivery Actual postage and/or freight used for District mailings including agenda packages, vendor checks and other correspondence. 3 Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Vendor Description Monthly Annual RMS Pool Maintenance $1,579 $18,950 Vendor Description Monthly Annual Hawkins Pool Chemicals CRoMnStingency Pool Chemicals $1$$,211403445 $$$1114,,,269242288 Total $1,483 $17,798 Expenditures – Amenity Center Due, Licenses & Subscriptions Expenditures - Administrative (continued) Bank Fees and Other Charges This includes monthly bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses that incur during the year. Office Supplies General Liability and Public Officials Insurance iTnhseurDainsctrei ccot'vseGraegnee troa lgoLviaebrinlimtyen&taPl uabgelinccOiefsfi.c Tiahles aLmiaobuilnitty isI bnassuerda nucpeonp osliimcyilaisr Cwoimthmauqnuitayl iDfieevdeelonptimtyentht aDtisstpreicctiasl.izesinproviding gTehneerDails ctirriccutlaistiorne.quiredto advertisevariousnotices formonthly Boardmeetings andother publichearingsinanewspaperof Printing and Binding Copies used in the preparation of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. Legal Advertising Supplies used in the preparation and binding of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. The District is required to pay an annual fee to the Florida Department of Commerce for $175. Property Insurance Amenity Manager Facility Assistant General Facility Maintenance Repair and Replacements gTohveeDrnismtreicntt'asl Pagreonpceiretsy.InsurancepolicyiswithEgisInsurance&RiskAdvisors.Egisspecializesinprovidinginsurancecoverageto aTchceoDrdisatnrcicet whiatshc tohnetirr accotnetdrwacitt.hRiversideManagementServicestostafftheamenitycenterandmanagethedaytodayoperationsin The District has contracted with Riverside Management Services to provide part-time staffing to supplement Amenity Manager. Cost of routine repairs and maintenance to the Amenity Center. oRre prerpesaeirnitnsg abnryokuenna notri cwipoartne doucto tshtinasgsso acrioautenddw thiteh fatchielitoyp seuracthi oans barnodkmena ignatteensa, ndcoeorosf,t hhoeleDsi sintr wicatsll,A pmaienntiitnyg Cetecn.tersuchasreplacing The District has contracted with Riverside Management Services, Inc. to provide lifeguard services during pool operation season. eSTemhreevriDcgieessntrciiync ctclahulladsse.cvoancturuamctiendg,wsikthimRmivinergstidileesM,banruagsehminegnttilSeesr,vpicoeosl,aInndc.etoqupipromveidnetipnosoplemctaioinntse,ncalneacneinsegrovficfeilstetrhsreaend(3a)ndyaynsecaewsseaerky. cRoevperress etnhtes c tohset efostri mchaetmedic caolss tf oforr t hche enmewic aplos oult fiolirz esde rfovric tehse p srwovimidmedin bgy p Pooool lastu trhee. Amenity Center for services provided by RMS. Also Lifeguards Pool Maintenance Pool Chemicals 4 Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Account# Address 00000000555511164777111737774556 Mon$$$$t$1125h50445ly00003 A$$$$n1126$n,,,,26696u00280a00000l Total $1,083 $13,000 Account# Address Monthly Annual 8874493 $1$,210402 $$114,,740000 Total $1,342 $16,100 Vendor Description Monthly Annual RMS Janitorial $991 $11,891 Vendor Description Monthly Annual FVNHHUeeii--wcSTTtUoleeaSccrn hh Se uSS Fyyciussnttraeeintmmyce SCCRAelaecocmcauuel erdTsris iAtam yCsc oeCcn eaCstmrrsiomml+eerC Caltosrud $$$13$$24900035 $$$114$$,,,677121244501500 Total $558 $8,467 Electric Expenditures – Amenity Center (continued) 1111Co66666666n7777ti nAAAAgzzzzeaaaanlllleeeecaaaay RRRRiiiiddddggggeeee BBBBllllvvvvdddd IRAAremmrcieegl nnIartiittrioyyign CCaeetinnottneerr This includes the cost of water and sewer for the Amenity Center provided by Clay County Utility Authority. Pest Control Capital Reserve Internet/Cable Janitorial Janitorial Supplies Security System Refuse Services Cost of services for security camera, access control system, and financing for security cameras. Funding for new recreation projects. The item includes the cost of electricity for the Amenity Center Clay Electric Cooperative Inc. The District has accounts with Comcast to provide cable television services for the Amenity Center. scTleheraevniDcineisgst iranircteetr3hiodaras ywcsoipnnedtrorawwcestee, bkdaawsnedibthoinaRcrildvused, recslseidwaene efMiptaninnegasgsae nemqduemniptompSpeerninvtg,i crfeelsom,ooIrnvscei. fttrnoaescpher saosnvadird yree,cpjallenaacinteo lsriininaeklrsss,e, mcrlvieriacrneo sprsofo,ofrli xdttheucerkeA.sm,teonilietytsCaenndteurr.inTahlse, All supplies needed for janitorial services of the Amenity Center. Access Cards Special Events Pool Permit Water and Sewer 1Co66n7ti nAgzeanlecay Ridge Blvd Represents the anticipated cost of access cards to the District’s Amenity Center. This item includes the cost of garbage disposal for the District. Contracted with Waste Pro. This item represents the estimated cost to host any special events for the community throughout the Fiscal Year. Represents Permit Fees paid to the Florida Department of Health for the swimming pool permits. Annual service for pool bathrooms and fitness room. Services provided by Florida Pest Control. 5 Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Account# Address 9999000014461577455900450123 Mont$$$$$h34448ly12359 A$n1$$$$n,04455u60129a80246l Total $250 $3,000 Account# Address Monthly Annual 0000000000000000000000555555555556666666677707777779999222267777770111566666902445667799 11134444444112223466780111556669901144567889 -FPBGAAWWWW2airrzz sAaaaaceoaahrrrrkezllnieemmmmeanncaarl go eR SSSSRR Ma CppppRiiiv rddRrrrreoeeiiiiggaiannnnredeedd ggggkgP oBR ssss eRlLw alo WWWvBWeaca cdnWeldaaavla eayyyRR ydra iReeemy Iccec rRellclraaadleiiiaigcmmmialmateeeiideddmodned $$$$$$$$$$$$2333333344457000000588885 $3$$$$$$$$$$$,333333345556055666666777000000066666 Total $692 $8,300 Vendor Description Monthly Annual LLBBaarrnniiggddhhssttccvvaaiippeewwee LCaonndtisncgaepnec syervice $11$,183323 $$11303,,050802 Total $11,965 $143,582 Vendor Description Monthly Annual $$64922 $8$,340948 Total $734 $8,802 Contingency Operations Management Lake Maintenance Electric Water Repairs and Maintenance Landscape Maintenance Irrigation Repairs aTsh esoDdis rterpiclta’csecmoesnttt oanpdr otrveide emlaanindtsecnaapnicneg.servicestoallthecommonareaswithinthecommunity.Contingencyamountforcostsuch The District’s cost to provide monthly water management services to all the lakes throughout the community. The estimated cost to make repairs to the community’s irrigation system when damaged. Expenditures - Ground Maintenance 1144Co22571299n4569ti nAAWWgzzeaaaanrrlleemmcaay SSRRppiiddrriiggnneegg BBss llWWvvddaa yyPN oeSEn inCgdtonr Fr Lanoniegucrhne tS tSsiaig iIgnnrnrig Contingency The Lake Doctor Inc tThhee CDDisDt.rictiscurrentlycontractedwithRiversideManagementServices,Inc.tooverseethedaytodayoperationsoftheGroundsin The item includes the cost of electricity for the common area at Ridgewood Trails provided by Clay Electric Cooperative Inc. This includes the cost of water for the common area at Ridgewood Trails provided by Clay County Utility Authority. Represents the costs associated with any miscellaneous field maintenance of the District. 6 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac3tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro6j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato Esrswaerasnrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 1 53,,03 2555290 $ $134,,61 4195395 $ 124605 - $ 1 43,,63 7150390 $ 1 63,,33 5250790 TOTAL REVENUES $ 18,661 $ 18,268 $ 405 $ 18,672 $ 20,186 EXPENDITURES: IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l15 5/1/11 $ 335,,,066077033 $ 3,673 -- 35,,0607$03 - $ 335,,,066077033 $ 335,,,055033011 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 12,345 $ 3,673 $ 8,673 $ 12,345 $ 12,063 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 12,345 $ 3,673 $ 8,673 $ 12,345 $ 12,063 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 6,316 $ 14,595 $ (8,268) $ 6,327 $ 8,124 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $ 3,390 Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Approved Budget Debt Service Series 2007 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 7 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 00000000000000111111111111111111111111111155555555555555////////////////////////////00000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111////////////////////////////22222222222333333333333333330011223344455556666777788899 1111111111 11223344556677889900111122225555555555555555550000555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5555555555555555555555555555............................666666666666666666666666666655555555555555555555555555550000000000000000000000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1111111111 55550000000005,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ------------- 1111112222222233333333,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1111222233445555668899 44779900001133334455667788990022880011111144446666889999446699 11111111111111 311111122334555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,500123345666899322223355567899100000133555568...............200000000022777500000000055555 Total $ 125,000 $ 60,455 $ 185,455 Ridgewood Trails Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2007 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds 8 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac3tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro6j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBpYpu 2rdo0gve2te5d REVENUES: ICnatrerrye Fsto Irnwcaormde Balance 1$8 10,,360901 1,136 - 1$8 10,,060901 18 20,,163961 18 22,,060004 TOTAL REVENUES $ 181,991 $ 1,136 $ 181,691 $ 182,827 $ 184,604 EXPENDITURES: CPROoatehppoeialt rFiar Cel &Onucr uMert elaPanirynto tCjeehncaatrngcees $ 1600,,00 6000000 - 14,94$9 --- 1 84,,49 6040$590 - 2 89,,48 6090$580 - $ 60,0 60000 -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 70,600 $ 14,949 $ 23,954 $ 38,903 $ 60,600 Other Sources/(Uses) Transfer in/(Out) $ 38,680 $ - $ 38,680 $ 38,680 $ 37,391 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ 38,680 $ - $ 38,680 $ 38,680 $ 37,391 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 150,071 $ (13,813) $ 196,417 $ 182,604 $ 161,395 Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Proposed Budget Capital Reserve Fund 9 Neighborhood UOn&itMs B2Uo0nn0itd7ss FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) 50 470 9 $883.26 $883.26 $0.00 $761.14 $761.14 $0.00 $1,644.40 $1,644.40 $0.00 60 221 8 $1,069.86 $1,069.86 $0.00 $920.15 $920.15 $0.00 $1,990.01 $1,990.01 $0.00 Total 691 17 Ridgewood Trails Community Development District Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Comparison 2024-2025 Annual Maintenance Assessments Annual Debt Assessments Total Assessed Per Unit 10