MINUTES OF MEETING RIDGEWOOD TRAILS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Ridgewood Trails Community Development District was held Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Azalea Ridge Amenity Center, 1667 Azalea Ridge Boulevard, Middleburg, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Dennis Schroyer Chairman Jacqui Proctor Miller Vice Chairperson Marty Genska Supervisor Michael Weatherbee Supervisor Scott Edson Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan District Counsel by telephone Jay Soriano GMS Tara Lee RMS Terry Glynn GMS by telephone Karen Fisher Brightview Roy Peaden Brightview The following is a summary of the actions taken at the March 6, 2024 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments There being none, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Appointment of New Supervisor to Fill Expired Terms of Office (11/2024) On MOTION by Mr. Schroyer seconded by Mr. Genska with all in favor Scott Edson was appointed to fill the unexpired term of office. DocuSign Envelope ID: 725241EE-3AD8-47A6-AD13-A02AE2EA5CA8 March 6, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 2 B. Oath of Office for Newly Elected Supervisors and Appointed Supervisor Ms. Giles being a notary public of the State of Florida administered the oath of office to Mr. Edson. Ms. Giles gave an overview of the sunshine law, public records law, and documents contained in the new supervisor packet of information. C. Election of Officers, Resolution 2024-02 Ms. Giles stated Marty has expressed a desire to step down as chairman. This is your opportunity to talk about that and nominate a new chair. After discussion the board took the following action. On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Weatherbee with all in favor Resolution 2024-02 was approved reflecting the following: Dennis Schroyer chair, Jacquie Proctor Miller vice chair, Marilee Giles secretary and treasurer, Marty Genska, Michael Weatherbee, Scott Edson, James Oliver, Daniel Laughlin, Darrin Mossing and Howard McGaffney assistant secretaries and Danial Laughlin, Darrin Mossing, and Howard McGaffney assistant treasurers. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Wall Packs Mr. Soriano stated if we want to light the parking lot the best is going to be move the decorative lights so I can put a wall pack or put in another pole. We can put in a couple poles and use LED lights, the total is $980 before shipping, and an electrician $2,500 to $3,000 per pole. After discussion staff was directed to install LED flood light fixtures on a bullhorn within their spending limits. B. Pool Controller On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Schroyer with all in favor staff was directed to send termination letter to Pool Sure and to prepare an agreement with Hawkins for chlorine delivery. C. Painting Pool Slide DocuSign Envelope ID: 725241EE-3AD8-47A6-AD13-A02AE2EA5CA8 March 6, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 3 On MOTION by Ms. Miller seconded by Mr. Genska with all in favor the proposal from Tito’s Painting, LLC in the amount of $3,275 was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of RFQ Responses for Engineer Services Ms. Giles stated the RFQ was noticed in the local paper and was emailed to several known engineering companies. We received one response from Alliant. I have worked with them in another district and they are a very good engineering company. I contacted some of the firms we sent the email to and one of them had just picked up four new districts and couldn’t handle the extra workload. After your discussion we will look for a motion to accept Alliant Engineer. Since he is new to the district I will invite him to visit the site and meet the staff and maybe have him call into a meeting to hear how the board operates and not have him call in again until we need him. There are two reports that the district needs at different times of the year from the engineer, the 20-year stormwater analysis due every five years that we did two years ago and a report that is due every seven years and the last one we did was in 2021. If there is nothing on the agenda or anything for the engineer, we don’t have to have him at the meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Schroyer seconded by Mr. Edson with all in favor Alliant was approved and staff authorized to negotiate rates and if successful to bring back an agreement for services to the next meeting for board consideration. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney There being none, the next item followed. B. Engineer There being none, the next item followed. C. Manager – Discussion of 2024 General Election Ms. Giles stated the qualifying period for the 2024 election is the second week in June and seats 1, 3 and 5 are up for election this year. You will have to go to the supervisor of elections DocuSign Envelope ID: 725241EE-3AD8-47A6-AD13-A02AE2EA5CA8 March 6, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 4 office and fill out the paperwork. I think there is a small fee and they will talk you through your paperwork. As a reminder you need to complete your ethics training before the end of the calendar year. You will receive emails from other companies that would love you to pay their fee to do their training, but if you just stick to the links in the memo in your agenda package they are free. When you complete your form 1 this year you don’t have to check the box that you did the ethics training, you report the ethics training on next year’s form 1. We are looking for input from the board tonight as it pertains to the 2025 budget. You will approve the budget at your next meeting, which is May 1st and adopt it at the July 10th meeting. We are working on the fence and playground and those things will come out of the 2024 budget. If there is something specific that you want to see increased, decreased, or changed on the budget, tonight is your opportunity to discuss that and let staff know. Without specific guidance we will prepare the budget with all the historical invoices we pay on each budget line, we will make those adjustments, those items that we know have increased we will increase accordingly on the budget. If there is a line item that we didn’t spend any money on we will see if we can decrease that line item. We will look at each line and see if needs to be increased or decreased. Once you approve the proposed budget we can’t go higher. We can reduce it when we adopt it, but we can’t go higher. D. Operation Manager Mr. Soriano stated I wanted to update you, the HOA has already approved the amounts and this hasn’t changed. We were able to get quotes and the HOA looked at what structures they wanted, they added a shade structure but they are paying for all of that. They would like to help with the mulch or border. E. Amenity Manager 1. Report Ms. Lee reviewed the amenity manager’s report, copy of which was included as part of the agenda package. 2. Landscape Inspection Report DocuSign Envelope ID: 725241EE-3AD8-47A6-AD13-A02AE2EA5CA8 March 6, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 5 Ms. Fisher gave an overview of the landscape inspection report, copy of which was included in the agenda package. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and Public Comments Ms. Miller stated it seems that the gym is not being cleaned very well. It is being cleaned around the machines but not under the machines or on top of the machines. There is a pin in one of the weight machines but it is not the right pin and sometimes it pops out and the weights drop. We need to get the appropriate pin for that piece of equipment. Ms. Lee stated we ordered a pin and it was $28 and it lasted two weeks due to people slamming the weights down. Mr. Soriano stated we will order a couple more pins. Ms. Miller stated we need a light at Azalea Ridge and Green River, it is very dark there. We put it off last year and I’m bringing it up again. Mr. Soriano stated we can pay for the install, but we don’t own the area, that is a county road. We can have the new engineer help us to push the county but that is what the county approved for lighting. Ms. Giles stated we can put a number in there. Mr. Weatherbee asked do we need a number for a light at the playground? Ms. Giles stated last year you designated $60,000 for the playground that has now been donated by the HOA. Does $15,000 give you enough for lighting, trenching, permits? Mr. Soriano stated I feel comfortable with that. You are talking about three lights back there and possibly one up here by the playground. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the January 10, 2024 Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Schroyer seconded by Mr. Genska with all in favor the minutes of the January 10, 2024 meeting were approved as presented. B. Balance Sheet & Income Statement C. Assessment Receipt Schedule DocuSign Envelope ID: 725241EE-3AD8-47A6-AD13-A02AE2EA5CA8 March 6, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 6 D. Approval of Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Weatherbee with all in favor the consent agenda items were approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Azalea Ridge Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is scheduled for May 1, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the same location at which time we will approve the proposed budget. Mr. Edson stated back to the money we get from the county. I think they have until March or April to pay, but do we ever get someone who doesn’t pay and we have to do something about it or the county does? Ms. Buchanan stated because the CDD’s special assessments is collected on the tax bill, it is essentially the same process that the county undertakes if someone doesn’t pay their property taxes. Initially, a tax certificate is sold and that is based on the bid process where a buyer can propose an interest rate between 1% and 18% and then to get your property unencumbered you have to pay off the tax bill and the interest. If it is never sold then it goes to a tax deed sale, but because all this operates through the county, the district does not have to participate in the process. Mr. Edson asked have we had in the last two or three years to do something like that? Ms. Buchanan stated I don’t know because assessments paid through tax certificates pays our annual special assessments. Ms. Giles stated we are made whole. Mr. Edson stated then it is not really a problem. Mr. Soriano stated right. On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Edson with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 725241EE-3AD8-47A6-AD13-A02AE2EA5CA8 March 6, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 725241EE-3AD8-47A6-AD13-A02AE2EA5CA8