MINUTES OF MEETING RIDGEWOOD TRAILS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Ridgewood Trails Community Development District was held Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Azalea Ridge Amenity Center, 1667 Azalea Ridge Boulevard, Middleburg, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Marty Genska Chairman Dennis Shroyer Supervisor Michael Wetherbee Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan District Counsel by telephone Jay Soriano GMS Tara Lee RMS Robby Tarter CCSO Terry Glenn by telephone The following is a summary of the actions taken at the January 10, 2024 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments There being none, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Acceptance of Resignation from Supervisor Barnhouse On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Shroyer with all in favor Mr. Barnhouse’s resignation was accepted. B. Discussion of Board of Supervisors Vacancy Announcement DocuSign Envelope ID: 9166DB13-EF23-4511-946F-12FB298DAAB3 January 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 2 Ms. Giles stated Florida Statutes just requires that you fill the vacancy. It is up to you as to how you fill that vacancy. You can appoint someone tonight or you can do what you have historically done and that is send an eblast to the community. Mr. Genska stated I would like to send an eblast. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of CCSO Clay County Community Connect Update Ms. Giles stated at the last meeting the board asked that we move forward with that and we have done that. Tara has invited Robby Tarter to give you an overview and to clarify expectations. Mr. Tarter gave an overview of how the community connect system works and gave examples of how useful it is for homeowner associations and businesses. The next item taken out of order. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Items Related to the District Engineer A. Acceptance of Resignation from District Engineer On MOTION by Mr. Shroyer seconded by Mr. Wetherbee with all in favor the district engineer’s resignation was accepted. B. Consideration of Evaluation Criteria Ms. Giles stated the evaluation criteria is set by the consultant’s competitive negotiations act, referred to as the CCNA. The only thing the board can do is change the weights of each of those. We will also issue the request for qualifications, which is different than an RFP that is based on price and RFQ is based on qualifications. It will be placed in the paper and we will also send it to all the engineers that we know to make sure they see that and can submit a packet back to us. We want to go through this process so if there is an issue we will already have an engineer. We are not building anything and we are not in a hurry. I suspect when you select a new engineer we will keep the budget line the same. I would expect a new engineer to want to attend the first few meetings to get to know the board get to know the district and they will probably start calling in. Mr. Genska stated I would lower item one to 20 points and increase item 2 to 30 points. Ms. Buchanan stated the only firm with past performance would be ETM. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9166DB13-EF23-4511-946F-12FB298DAAB3 January 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 3 Mr. Genska stated okay. On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Shroyer with all in favor the evaluation criteria was approved. C. Authorization for Staff to Issue RFQ On MOTION by Mr. Shroyer seconded by Mr. Wetherbee with all in favor staff was authorized to issue an RFQ for engineering services. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Fence Proposals Mr. Soriano stated items 5 and 6 go together. A couple years ago we put funding in the capital reserves for playground equipment. At the last meeting we went back and forth about how we would spend money on a playground or fencing and the HOA was involved. Rob is here but I don’t know if they have voted on this or approved anything. Mr. Alba stated only the budgeted amount, we did approve $35,000 to $50,000 to spend towards the playground. Mr. Soriano stated they did approve an amount and commitment towards the playground. They don’t want to do the fence now? Mr. Alba stated last time we were discussing the playground, it is more community related and specifically for the slide, which should help with some funds for the tower with a fence around this area. Mr. Soriano stated we do currently have a fence, but these proposals were to take that fence down and increase the height to deter more of the issue. Mr. Shroyer stated I had a concern about the new fence. If someone tries to go over that and gets hurt, we are liable for a lawsuit. If someone wants to get in they are going to get in no matter what. I would rather take that money you are thinking about spending on the fence and put in lights on Azalea Ridge where it is dark. Ms. Giles asked Jay, in your experience have you had anything like that happen? Mr. Soriano stated it is a good point and I am always concerned about liability. I have asked that question of EGIS. There are some entities that are not allowed to put on a spear top DocuSign Envelope ID: 9166DB13-EF23-4511-946F-12FB298DAAB3 January 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 4 because of that concern, although we are not one of them. If someone wants to push a lawsuit, they can sue for anything. Mr. Genska stated a 4-foot fence is easy to hop over, you can’t hop over a 6-foot fence. I agree about the spike top, but a 6-foot fence with a flat top would deter things. Mr. Soriano stated if it is just concern over the spear top we can change that to a flat top and it may be a little less expensive. I can work with all of them and adjust the design. If we are going to do this, I would prefer to do it right away so we have it by the summer. You can approve a not to exceed amount so we have room to work with the vendors and change that design. On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Wetherbee with two in favor and Mr. Shroyer opposed staff was given a not to exceed amount of $36,000 to negotiate with Top Fence and Sterling Specialties, Inc. for the best price for the 6-foot fence with a flat top. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Playground Equipment Proposals Mr. Soriano distributed packets with different playground structures and pricing for the different locations and the board discussed each option. Ms. Giles asked Katie, is there anything we need to enter this? Nothing is going to happen on Jay’s side with the install until the equipment is ordered. Ms. Buchanan stated I don’t think it would be a bad idea for both entities to have records for accounting and auditing purposes but it is a one-pager the parties agree for the mutual benefit of the community, the HOA will pay this, the CDD will pay this, and that’s it. Ms. Giles asked Rob, when Katie drafts that do you want language that says that you are going to pay for the structure but some type of wording that allows you to donate more? Mr. Alba responded yes. Ms. Buchanan stated I will prepare that based on the options we discussed today and that way the HOA could donate more if they like. Ms. Giles stated there is a long lead time on playground equipment and I’m sure we will be talking about this at our next meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Shroyer with all in favor Mr. Soriano was authorized to work with the HOA on the DocuSign Envelope ID: 9166DB13-EF23-4511-946F-12FB298DAAB3 January 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 5 playground purchase and installation in an amount not to exceed $35,000 for the incidentals and install. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Items Related to the District Engineer This item taken earlier in the meeting. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney – Memorandum Regarding Ethics Training Ms. Buchanan stated a copy of the memorandum was included in the agenda package. The ethics requirement is new and runs from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 and you report it at the same time you file your form 1 in the summer of 2025. B. Engineer There being none, the next item followed. C. Manager Ms. Giles stated January 4th I received an auto-generated email from the State of Florida Commission on Ethics and it was describing how the financial disclosure forms are now required online; they will no longer mail that to you. You have to file that by July 1, that is plenty of time but don’t wait to do that. D. Operation Manager’s Report Mr. Soriano stated you are building the reserves and are at $208,000. We are getting everything done for less than we planned on because of the HOA helping us out. Looking forward some of the things I see is we have $20,000 to remarcite the pool not this upcoming budget year but the following year and that number is outrageously low, it is going to be closer to $30,000 compared to a few years ago when we did this report. The marcite is in good shape and it may last longer but my concern is for the big pool. The big pool is set up for 2028 to be remarcited and we have $68,523 and it will probably be closer to $70,000 to $80,000. That one has areas of marcite popping up. I will bring proposals for painting the slide this year and the other item is controllers for the pools. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9166DB13-EF23-4511-946F-12FB298DAAB3 January 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 6 E. Amenity Manager 1. Report Ms. Lee gave an overview of the amenity manager’s report, copy of which was included in the agenda package. 2. Landscape Inspection Report A copy of the quality site assessment from Brightview was included in the agenda package. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and Public Comments Mr. Wetherbee asked can we see about getting photocells on these doors? I would love to see the whole pool lit and we can’t do that now but we can get the two front doors lit. Ms. Lee stated the motion activated flood lights come on if anyone is walking out. Mr. Soriano stated I will look into that. Mr. Shroyer asked who is responsible for the sidewalks? Mr. Soriano stated the county. All the sidewalks other than what is encompassed in the amenity center belong to the county. Maintenance for those should be directed to public works. Mr. Wetherbee stated there are a lot of cracks in the sidewalks that belong to the CDD that need to be addressed. A resident asked who will make the decision where the gate goes on the playground? Mr. Soriano stated it will be one gate and staff will make that determination. A resident stated we had talked about putting two or three parking spots by this playground so they can pull in and be off the road. Mr. Soriano stated it is a nice idea, but you run into a couple problems with the county. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the November 1, 2023 Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Wetherbee with all in favor the minutes were approved as presented. B. Balance Sheet & Income Statement C. Assessment Receipt Schedule DocuSign Envelope ID: 9166DB13-EF23-4511-946F-12FB298DAAB3 January 10, 2024 Ridgewood Trails CDD 7 D. Approval of Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Genska seconded by Mr. Wetherbee with all in favor the balance of the consent agenda items were approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Scheduled for March 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Azalea Ridge Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting will be held March 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the same location. On MOTION by Mr. Shroyer seconded by Mr. Genska with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 9166DB13-EF23-4511-946F-12FB298DAAB3